Friday, 18 January 2013


My twin sister, Joyce owns this tuck shop.  While it has bars (common) and the customer stands on one side and tells the clerk what item they want... I'm allowed IN the tuck shop.

(R) Ginger, Joyce, me

What a honor and such a kindness from Joyce.  Today was a day of waiting.  When this picture was taken it was about noon.  I left my flat at 7:15am and in the intervening hours got very little accomplished.  Although in this Zulu world of Ntshongweni, South Africa accomplishing things isn't the goal.  Relationships are! In those 5 hours I spent them with the precious people I have the humble privilege to serve.

But I digress, I have found my new profession.  Having quit my wonderful job in America to become a missionary, I have no idea where I will go nor what job I will have when I return next month to my own country. Today, I worked behind the counter at Joyce's tuck shop.  This is a great job with an even better boss.  I think I will stay in South Africa and work here.

 ngingakusiza ngani = how can I help you. 

I took this picture of these women while I was on my way to the tuck shop.  Imagine my surprise when they walked into the store.  

And to think I didn't even take, nor pass the Health Department Food Safety Course.

I could spit out  ngingakusiza ngani but when they started to order in Zulu I froze up.  Although I could have guessed what they came to purchase.... amaquina's. They were selling like hot cakes, which is close to what they are.

Amaquina, 2 Rand.  Clearly the locals got a kick out of being served by an American.

My new best friend (and future employer) Joyce and I.

After a fun few hours of 'working' in the tuck shop a miracle happen.  We got a ride home!  This almost never happens and saved us 20 Rand = $2.33 

Riding in the back of a bakkie (truck) is allowed in South Africa and something I've not done since I was a child.  Here my ministry partner Ginger enjoys it as much as I do.  Although she may just be happy that we don't have to ride in a taxi today.

Yippee Skippy - this is fun. 

Then I got the great idea to take pictures ~ backwards ~

This is my beautiful world from the back of a bakkie.

Down the mountain and onto the flat road...

Sugar cane fields...

Sugar cane fields...

Here is the equestian center...

My corner - time to turn right...

Close to home and time to put my camera away.

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