Monday, 04 February 2013

I always wanted to go here

There is a sleepy little spot in Ntshongweni that sits empty 29 days of the month; but one day, one golden day a month the place is hopping.  What magical day you ask.  The first Monday of the month.  The day after the pensioners get their government checks.
I've asked Pastor many, many times to take us there but today while we were driving the car I hired (rented) looking for a woman who Pastor needed, we drove past this instant bazaar.

They sell the most random and interesting items.  I asked before I took pictures, of course, and this seller did not want her picture taken but said it was OK if I captured the fish she offered for sale.  Some had little burners that they were cooking on. Some had raw meat sitting out in the open for sale. We saw uniform school shoes in boxes - just off the wall merchandise.

We ran into our friend and her daughter, I've watched this angel baby grow up over the pass 17 months.  

What I like best about these pictures are the 'security' guards in the background.  I thought the military was on hand in case this street vendors got wild.

Notice their weapons?  They followed us around and when we got back into the car and Ginger and Jessica Harrison were talking about them walking behind us, I asked why did they think we would steal food.  They laughed and said they were protecting US.

Need a fat, white chicken?  They were offered for sale at two different prices: 56 Rand ~ $6.00 and slightly more. 

You pay more money for a chicken that had all their feathers. Nothing worst than a bald chicken!

Whatever they had to sell was laid out on the grass on this gray, gloomy day.

This was so much fun.

Pastor Thwala rested as we walked around.

I bought my apples from this lady who didn't mind her picture taken.  We bought banana's, tomato's, onion's from another woman.

Instant commerce and a great social gathering spot.

The goat wasn't for sale but tied up near by.

This was the funnest 10 minutes of a very, very, very long and frustrating day.  I don't have many miserable days as a missionary but today was one of them.  I really enjoyed this little bit shopping and so very happy to final have had the chance to go to this little sweet market.

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