Wednesday, 03 October 2012

Tuesday night preparing for Bible Camp

Galatians 3:26-27

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

So we had a problem... at our Bible Camp where the 80+ children rotate through music, snack, Bible story, games and crafts, they were not taking their crafts home.

We based the theme of our October 1 - 5th Bible Camp on crafts.  We decided that if the children WORE their craft home, it would make it home.  And if the craft made it to the home, hopefully the child could explain what they did and learned at their morning at the Lutheran church.

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Took going to two stores in two cities to find 90 white shirts
Washing 90 shirts - yikes.
Thus all we needed was five wearable crafts: cross necklace, flip-flops, tie-dyed tee shirts, bracelets and visors.  Four of these items were easy ... one seemed a bit more daunting: the tie-dyed shirts.

By a generous donation from sweet Americans, 90 white tee shirts were purchased.

Pretty, pretty colors

The evening was spent practicing on our own shirts.

Rhonda Grant and Ginger Taff figuring it all out.

Following the directions, we let it set over night.

Working on mine.

Ginger woke up at 5am to rinse each shirt and hung them just outside our front door to dry before we left at 8am.

So beautiful.

Bags of 90 washed and sorted white tee shirts ready for happy children who will come to church to learn about being clothed in Christ.

To God be the glory.

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