Thursday, 04 October 2012

Thursday of Bible Camp October Fourth

Galatians 3:26-27

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

Day four of Bible Camp at Ntshongweni Lutheran church.  The numbers of children have grown from 45 on Monday to 90 on Thursday.  The word is out on the dusty trails of this township.  Our prayer is that the Word of God is out filling the homes and hearts of all who is attending our Bible Camp.

Morning preparation... getting the pony beads ready for the craft of the day.

Our dear friend friend 'Lucky' wore his tie-dye shirt this morning.  Looking good dude, looking good.

In the church for opening.  We open with singing, praying and then divide them into their groups by age.

Ginger leading the singing (center), Rhonda (left) who is leading games, Jessica (right) teaching the Bible truth. Wonderful team!!!

No one has more fun singing to Jesus than Ginger.

This group quickly strung their pony bead for a bracelet and moved into coloring - which they love to do!

Showing off their new bracelets.

This Occupational Therapist loves the fine motor aspect of this task :)

As if 90 children weren't enough for four adults (who don't know Zulu) let's toss in several babies into the craziness.

Jessica teaching about God's gift of Baptism today.  

I'm trying to video with my flip camera but this little girl was climbing all over me.  Here I'm filming and using my camera.

She and all the Zulu children are so very beautiful.

Sweetest picture of the entire week.  This boy is praying with the baby on his lap - awwwwwwww.

At noon when the Bible Camp was over, I cleaned up my craft station, Ginger and Rhonda helped those who weren't here yesterday to tie-die their shirts and in this picture Jessica is tutoring the children in English.  

South Africa has 11 official languages.  The better their English the more doors of opportunities will be opened for them.  Every child is taught English in school starting in 3rd grade, but it must be like me in Spanish class - I learned nothing.  Some of these children has fair to good English - others... not so much.

One precious boy told me today in perfect English that he will NEVER  take his bracelet off.  I said where is your cross necklace.  He said he wasn't here on that day.  I gave him the kit to make that craft. I bet he never takes either of them off.

This was optional and many wanted to learn from Jessica.

Another awesome day spent with 90 sweet children about the love of Jesus.

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