Monday, 01 October 2012

Monday of Bible Camp October First

Galatians 3:26-27

 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

Four, 4, this is the fourth Vacation Bible School I've had the humble privilege to participate in. 
October 3 -7, 2011, March 26-30, 2012, June 25-29, 2012 and this week.  Every time there is a break in the school year, the Lutheran church in Ntshongweni leads a Bible Camp. 

This week we are blessed with two fellow Americans: Jessica Harrison and Rhonda Grant.  Here Jessica is getting ready to lead the bible story by writing the Bible Verse and main themes on paper on an easel.

All Jessica's supplies ready for the week of teaching the children about Christ Jesus and his clothing us with his love and blessings.

Here in the preparation time, Ginger hangs up the colorful sheets of the song the children will sing all week. Rhonda is helping as are some boys. Each song will teach the truth of Jesus.

Poor Rhonda probably had it the roughest having to be outside in the hot sunshine all morning playing games with the precious children.  Here they play ball toss.

No one on the planet sings more beautifully than the Zulu people.  NO ONE!  Here a little girl leads her peers in some songs.

I lead the craft time as the four groups, divided by age, rotated through Bible Story, Music, Games and Crafts.  My first group of the oldest children 12+ were just 3 boys. Here they are playing the dot game since they quickly assembled their cross and bead necklace.

Next group of children and with the girls sitting at one table, make their necklaces.

Boys at the other table - they sit like that on their own.

Across the sanctuary, Jessica is teaching about how God loves ALL people.

Necklaces are easy to string together so we fill the time with a game of UNO.

Lovely necklace to remind each person of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.

Girls finished their necklaces and had time to color.

Lovely lady with her cross.

The day ended on the soccer field with snacks, more singing and closing prayer.

Ginger Taff, world's greatest music leader!

Group circle for closing to a wonderfully blessed day in the Lord.

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