Monday, 08 October 2012

A Zulu Birthday Celebration, AKA dancing party

Sunday, October 7th was a special day for this American missionary.  I was invited to a birthday celebration at my friends Khulilkani Khoza home.  Our day begun with Bible class, worship and then we headed over to the party.

Zulu beer jug, topped with modern Tupperware lid

The crowd gathers for the dancing with the folks wearing their traditional clothing.

Gogo (grandmother) in the foreground.  Girl wearing her beads and pleaded skirt.

The dancing begins with the patriarch of the family, Khulilkani's father in the brown sweater leading the dance.  

Now, there is no band, no DJ, only a drum and the singing of the participants.  Father Khoza, Baba, is holding a Zulu shield.

The girls dance in a two lines and cross through each other.

The tall man in the traditional Zulu pants and vest is Khulilkani older brother.

The dancing was hauled by Baba Khoza after a good 45 minutes.

They would have danced on and on.

Beautiful beads.

I wore my Zulu clothing as did most of the guests.

To round of traditional dress, the zulu man would normally add his isihlangu (cow-hide shield), andumkhonto (stabbing spear).

The birthday girl is wearing a head piece on her head in which people stick money.

She is also wearing a cow bladder as a top.

Baby on the Gogo's back.

Beautiful girl, beautiful dancing.

These Zulu animal goat fur 'hats' are called umqhele which is a headband worn by married men. 

Baba Khoza, is like 68 years old.

Part of the dance for the folks to kick their legs up as high as they can - often over their heads.

The cold, rainy and a miserable day, didn't stop the Gogo's from getting all excited as they danced.

This is a big day for everyone.

After the females danced the men took center stage, or rather center circle of dirt.

 Isinene - front apron which covers the privates.
• Ibheshu - rear apron, knee length for young men and ankle length for older men.

Zulu warrior face

After the wonderful dancing we all, all, everyone there went to the house for a delicious lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Nice party! Enjoyed my colleague's birthday lunch at one of the pretty rental spaces for parties last week. Dishes were unique and served in platters. Desserts and drinks were also of branded quality. Gifted him a luxury pen and a moustache theme cake. Everything went really well that day.
