Saturday, 18 August 2012

My Missionary Prayer Card

Zeal Beale,
Serving the Lord in South Africa


Zeal Beale
To help support my ministry, please send
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Zeal Beale serves in South Africa as a GEO missionary through LCMS World Mission. Zeal works in community-based efforts of the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (LCSA) to develop programs that will aid in the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of the people living in Shongweni Village. The Shongweni Village Project is an initiative of a local LCSA congregation realized through the help of partners such as the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa, LCMS World Mission and LCMS congregations in the United States. Zeal is an administrator trainer with the Lutheran church’s AIDS Orphans project. In this role, she incorporates HIV/AIDS education and support groups into the programs run for children. She also trains individuals to run self-sustaining programs in the orphanages.

Prior to serving in South Africa, Zeal passionately served as a director of Christian education (DCE) at Grace Lutheran Church in Pensacola, Fla. She earned her DCE certification from Concordia University Texas, Austin. Zeal is originally from Anaheim, Calif. and is mother to two grown children, both of whom are attending graduate school. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in speech pathology and audiology and a degree as an occupational therapy assistant. As a hobby, Zeal enjoys the history, cuisine, culture and architecture of New Orleans.


Please pray for Zeal as she serves in South Africa. Zeal asks that you pray that the Lord would protect her and grant her strength, patience and mercy as she carry out her ministry. Ask the Lord to open the hearts of South African people that Zeal works with—so that they might be receptive to the Gospel and eager to apply it to their lives. Finally, give thanks that Zeal has answered the Lord’s call to serve in this time and place.

1 comment:

  1. Got to your blog via Splendid Sara. Your African pictures are a story the Stateside folks need to heed and share. I pray the Lord blesses you with His ever present strength and peace.
