Sunday, 16 October 2011


I am completely aware how pathetic my life is.  So, when I make the announcement that I’ve never made homemade lemonade before, please don’t judge me.  What was I doing throughout my youth when I should have been learning the important things, the simple things of life? Surfing?  So, it took a trip to Africa to take one of my favorite fruits, again pathetic, and my new friend Coral to squeeze my first lemon (or for all you Steve Carell/ Get Smart fans: Squeeze the lemon.)    At the grocery store I bought four lemons with the intention of adding them to my drinking water.  

Water. Water is about the only thing I’ve been drinking here in South Africa and while I am grateful that I am able to drink it from the tap, verses the alternative of boiled or filtered, it didn’t take long for me to grow weary of water 

While a lovely, little sliver of lemon in our glass of water at restaurants is quant, I only used one of my four lemons– the trick didn’t fool my taste buds more than once.

So, when Coral, also a missionary, a career missionary; came to dinner with 2 lemons from her tree the grand plan was hatched.  ‘Let’s make lemonade’ is squealed, ‘do you know how?’ Clearly Coral didn’t surf while growing up in Wisconsin. 

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